A person working on a laptop with the text 'An Ode to BookMooch' on the screen, surrounded by books on a white desk, with a text overlay saying 'An Ode to BookMooch' next to the Swampum logo.

We really miss BookMooch.  From 2006 to 2023, the site provided a creative new way to declutter our shelves of unwanted books, and obtain new reading material from other site members doing the same thing.  Over time, we gave away hundreds of books–for nothing more than the cost of shipping–and received many more books in the mail to feed our reading appetites.  Many of those acquisitions were passed on again to new readers through the BookMooch system.  Many others (especially the volumes of hardcover classic literature) continue to adorn our shelves.

The rise of BookMooch

BookMooch opened its doors in 2006 and quickly revolutionized online book swapping. In pursuit of its founder’s vision, the site became a community of bibliophiles, where dog-eared paperbacks, glossy coffee table books, and treasured classics could be shared across borders and oceans.  At BookMooch’s heart was a clever point system:  members received one point for each book offered on the site, and spent one point (or three for international requests) for each book requested from another user.

By 2008, BookMooch had grown into a community of 74,000 members with over 800,000 books mooched yearly in over 90 countries. This growth confirmed not just a global love of books and reading, but the merits of the platform.

The creativity of BookMooch

Several novel approaches to book-swapping developed over time.  The BookMooch Angel Network arose to facilitate international book requests from users not able or willing to ship internationally.  A charitable points system allowed users to donate their points to prisons, public libraries, and educational institutions (among others).  The BookMooch Journal Project created communal journals that were shipped throughout the system with each recipient adding his or her own contribution:  writing, art – even mathematical formulas.  And BookMooch distributed bookmarks–both functional and a creative marketing idea–to members who requested them, knowing they would be passed on to others and slipped into books being shipped around the world.

The decline of BookMooch

Sadly, despite the novelty of its points system and the community that grew around it, cracks developed in the BookMooch ecosystem. The “one point, one book” system ignored the inherent difference in value of well-worn paperbacks versus newer and heavier hardcover books.  Cross-border shipping costs reduced the popularity of international mooches.  Many users tried to swap things beyond Bookmooch’s original intention (magazines and comic books, for example), but the limitations of the technology made this awkward. And the financial and technological resources necessary to maintain and improve an increasingly popular website were simply unavailable.

Unfortunately, as often happens, good intentions and altruism came face to face with economic reality.  By 2019, activity on the platform had slowed dramatically, and dried up completely by 2023.  But BookMooch’s influence on the online book-swapping community continues to this day.

Learning from and evolving beyond BookMooch

Here at Swampum, we are excited to honor BookMooch’s legacy by offering our own swapping platform, with special emphasis on books from the beginning, and we have tried to learn from the BookMooch experience.  Do we think a point-based system is a great idea for exchanging things?  Yes, and allowing for point values to be set by the users (not the platform) and the optional use of cash offer more flexibility.  Do we see books as a perfect subject for a point-based trading system and for decluttering?  Yes, and we think there is a wider variety of no-longer-used things that could be given away instead of taking up space.  Do we believe shipping costs should be built into the point-exchange system?  Yes, and we recognize postage costs vary with each item shipped, so can be built into the transaction and negotiated between users.  Do we agree that technology can be used to enhance community?  Yes, and we are committed to building and improving Swampum based on our users’ input and suggestions.  Our team is brimming with energy and ideas and looks forward to sharing with the swapping community.

The next chapter in book swapping

We’re also thrilled to introduce our very first Swampum bookmark (currently being hidden and passed on in books throughout the USA).  It represents our new chapter dedicated to the community spirit of exchanging books.  And recognizes that our current endeavor is essentially a love letter to books and those who read them.  Let us know if you find one, and we’ll reward you with bonus points to use for anything you’d like to request on Swampum.

Stay tuned as we turn the page to a new shared chapter of connection among those who love books. Happy reading!

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